Sunday, September 12, 2010

School Time (I know I'm late)

I think I am always late at posting things. I'm just not a great blogger. But I really wanted to have pictures to remember their first days of school it wasn't the same days but I guess that the good thing about being late is I can post them together! They were both really excited to start school and are loving their teachers. I'm really glad they have made some good friends already this year. I can't believe I have two kids in school already!
My 1st grader

His desk

All ready for Kindergarten

Avery and her friend Jaxon.


  1. seriously...Avery is such a doll!! (and your lil mini me for that matter)
    what cute kiddo's you have, and i can't believe you have a first Grader!! crazy!

  2. They are such dolls! Avery looks just like you!
